Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What I See ...

Friends, it has been a while since I posted anything here and wanted to let you all know I am still alive and doing well. It seems the more comfortable I get in Kathmandu, the busier I get as well! I thought I'd share a few photos of the fun things I've been doing and the interesting things I see so you can get a better picture of the atmosphere here. Enjoy!

Elephants crossing a river in Chitwan National Park.
Lots of traffic here Kathmandu but no stoplights, or rules for that matter. (-:

The tougher side of life in Kathmandu is the pollution. Many wear masks to help filter some of the pollutants and smells.

A mask or bandana comes in very handy on the dirt roads!
A colorful contraption on wheels used to display idols during a festival.

A temple in Bhaktapur, a town about an hour outside Kathmandu with many beautifully restored paths, statues, and buildings from the medieval era.

Elephants are a theme here!
And, finally, drinking coke and celebrating our friend Santi's birthday. She is the one wearing pink!

1 comment:

  1. I loved your pictures Jess. What a different country. Thanks for sharing them.

